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Becky Litton

Becky Litton of Modern Rosie

My great grandmother’s name was Beula.  When she was a young woman during WWII she moved from rural Oklahoma to California because our country needed her to do a job.  She became a welder. She built airplanes. She also raised some pretty awesome kids, traveled the country and had a smile on her face. I never got to meet her, but I have her old photos, and I hope I have some of her spirit.

My Name is Becky.  I believe in duty, honor and adventure.  I’m a Modern Rosie, and I’ll bet you are too. I also believe in the creative child within us all, the indomitable spirit of military families, good food, hot coffee, wine to share and cute furry things.

The art I do for Modern Rosie is some of my favorite, and you'll find a few of my top picks below.  For my fine art, please visit me at where we delve in to ink and marvel at nature.